The development of the Aylesbury Estate, in South East London is a partnership between Notting Hill Genesis and Southwark Council with a strong emphasis on ensuring that the local resident’s needs are met throughout the project.
The programme proposes to deliver approximately 3,500 new homes, across a range of tenure and ownership options that are attractive and affordable for local residents and new people looking to move into the area, together with improving transport links, public open spaces, healthcare and community facilities and providing employment opportunities with new retail and workspace units.
The First Development Site (FDS), located to the southwest corner of the Aylesbury neighbourhood, is split into three contracts, with Rund appointed as Clerk of Works on FDS Contract A, which is delivering 222 mixed-tenure homes for social rent, private sale and shared ownership. The build is of reinforced concrete frame and traditional construction, with units above the third floor installed with sprinkler systems.
Rund’s commitment to delivering its renowned Clerk of Works services aims to ensure the highest levels of quality in construction are met and we look forward to working with Notting Hill Genesis and Southwark Council on this exciting development.