Overall, the exciting and ambitious Ealing Housing Programme (Package 1) provides 134 new homes and two commercial spaces and a community centre on the west London borough plots. 70 per cent of the homes are affordable, as part of Ealing’s target to deliver at least 2,500 affordable homes by Spring 2022.
Most sites being developed are council-owned land and garages, including redundant and underused brownfield sites. The six sites include Dean Gardens (a 53-home development split across three blocks), Arden Road (a 29-home sevenstorey development), Chesterton and Evesham Close (25 new homes), Wood End Library (a commercial unit and 11 homes) and Shackleton Road (10 new homes) and Norwood Road (6, three-storey townhouses).
Ealing is adopting a standardised Passivhaus approach across these multiple sites. It is committed to offering residential developments that provide its residents with high comfort and air quality levels while using minimal energy for heating and cooling.
The homes have been designed to Passivhaus standards to reduce energy consumption, address fuel poverty and meet Ealing Council’s commitment to delivering net zero carbon homes. Through the Passivhaus standards, building envelopes are being driven as hard as possible through ‘fabric first’ principles to achieve lower energy within the new homes without adding complex, renewable energies.
Our dedicated Clerk of Works team will provide in-house expertise in Mechanical & Electrical and Fire Stopping services, ensuring specific project elements meet contractual and legal requirements. Our scope of work will also include reviewing designs and drawings to identify any potential conflicts pre-construction and inspecting and cross-checking construction works with drawings and specifications.