Rund has successfully been appointed onto a new framework for Abri (formally Radian Group), providing our Employer’s Agent services.
Abri is one of the largest housing associations in England, with 35,000 homes across the country. The company has ambitions to build at least 1,000 homes each year by 2025, creating high-quality homes that shape and enhance communities.
Rund’s appointment will involve us providing expert consultancy through our Employer’s Agent services, in addition to Site Inspections and Principal Designer services.
Paul Belfield, Director at Rund said: “Abri has played a significant part in tackling the UK’s housing shortage. They are committed to not only providing more high-quality affordable housing for those in need, but creating safe, happy homes for the long-term. We’re pleased to continue our long-term relationship through our new appointment on their framework.”