Rund is delighted to have been appointed by Grainger PLC, the UK’s largest listed residential landlord, as employer’s agent on a 132 unit Build to Rent scheme in Southampton city centre.
Located on Lower East Street on the site of a former fruit and vegetable market in the old town area, the scheme is a Joint Venture between Grainger and APG who are forward funding and acquiring the completed project from Developer National Regional Property Group. The overall development of the East Street area will transform a key part of Southampton city centre, and in addition to this build to rent scheme, includes a 423-room student-led scheme together with associated retail and leisure space.
The Lower East Street scheme has been designed by local Architects HGP and will include ground floor commercial units, to reflect surrounding buildings, with residential units above specifically for the city’s emerging private rental sector offering. The residential units are being tailored to meet the growing demand from a wide range of renters for well managed residential schemes that are within easy reach of key facilities, employment opportunities and transport links
The homes will have the benefit of roof terraces and will enjoy far reaching views over the city.
Paul Deakin Director at Rund said “We are very pleased to be involved with this scheme which builds on our existing relationship with Grainger. With our office in Southampton it is great to be working on such a flagship local project which will give a real boost to the area’s emerging private rental sector offering”
The scheme is due for completion in the Autumn of 2020.