West Horsley involves the creation of 139 new homes, split between private, affordable rent and shared ownership tenure. The scheme will champion sustainability, with the installation of more than 300 solar panels and fast electric charging points. With each home built to a high standard of insulation, the properties are expected to achieve at least a 30% reduction in carbon emissions.
Plans also feature a Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANG), and creation of a junior sports hall and tennis courts. The development will also benefit from a Biodiversity Net Gain following the incorporation of ponds, a wet meadow and species-rich grassland.
As Joint Venture Supervisor, our role is fundamental in ensuring Abri and Thakeham’s individual objectives are met at West Horsley.
Our extensive range of responsibilities will also include attending project board meetings to feed into key discussions and decisions, on site monitoring of the compliance of the works and certifying progress against a drawdown schedule.
We will also prepare monthly reports to review costs against budget, comment on the certification process and on project progress, including any foreseeable risks.